Maintains a complete vendor information, including purchases
Maintains payments period to date and year to date totals, current balance and open debits
Allows classification of vendor into class
Displays on screen notes per vendor
Provides open balance statement on vendors with user define due and forecast information
Tracks purchases by vendor and buyer
New vendors can be added "on the fly" during transaction entry
Maintains individual Account Payable account per vendor
Maintains Foreign Currency per vendor to calculate foreign purchases in home currency
Alerts you when a vendor exceeds credit limit
Vendor can not be deleted if it has an open transaction or open balance
Allows beginning and ending notes on purchase orders and purchase quotes
Allows discount on a line-by-line basis on purchase orders and purchase quotes
Keeps track of discount dates, due dates and open debits
Accepts discount at time of approving invoices for payments
Allows invoices to be automatic or manually selected for payment
Allows partial or total payment of vendor invoices
Allows entry of handwritten checks and bank wire transfers
Allows previously or current entered checks posted to be voided
Allows differed checks to vendors
Maintains up to 99 bank accounts for payments
Generates laser checks with detailed payment stubs
Maintains different values for recurring payment per period to vendors
Converts purchase quotes to purchase orders instantly
Converts received purchase orders to vendor invoices instantly
Prints purchase orders and purchase quotes on plain paper
Receives a partial or total purchase order
Allows payment of vendor invoices by Credit Card
Shows automatic warning of vendor invoice duplication
Allows expenses in merchandise received to be allocated as landed cost
Limits purchase order modification on received orders
Vendor Table
The main vendor maintenance function is where you record all the characteristics for each vendor you will keep track in your system. To make it easier to work with the high number of fields needed to store the data, the window has three pages or tabs:
The Information page contains the most relevant data for a vendor. Some data fields are informative while others are editable.
The Settings page contains supplemental information about your vendor.
The Notes page, you can enter any text that relates to your vendor.
Recurrent Payments
After entering the data for the Recurrent Invoice, you will enter the distribution of the invoice or the compensation of the invoice.
There are two ways to post a recurring payment to the vendors:- Fixed monthly payment- Different monthly payment (shown here)
There are two ways to post a recurring payment to the vendors:- Fixed monthly payment- Different monthly payment (shown here)
Purchase Order
When you order merchandise, you should create a purchase order.To help you entering the data, the purchase order screen has a new format:
The Purchase Order Header section holds your vendor’s data. At the bottom, you will find a set of fields that will show the running totals for the order.
The Detail section contains a list of items charged to this purchase order, which is under the purchase header. There must be at least, one merchandise item charged to this purchase order.
The Payment and Notes section will show you the subtotals and where you can add a beginning and an ending notes to the purchase order.