Maintains information per item: On-Hand, Booked, Committed, On Order and To Order
Maintains information per item: for Repair all above plus In-Shop and Repair Time, in Plus Option
Maintains information per item: for Rental all above plus Rented and Total Rented, in Plus Option
Maintains components parts (Kit) per item and Transaction History
Maintains Substitute, Model and UPC numbering per item
Allows three (3) classification per item: line, group and class
Tracks minimum and maximum stock levels for each item
Vendor name and vendor part number included in item
Manufacturer name and manufacturer part number included in item
Maintains ABC classification per item
Maintains volume, weight, duty ID and duty percentage cost
Shows image or picture per item
Maintains item foreign currency cost calculating cost in home currency
Maintains item vendor discount calculating discounted cost in home currency
Maintains Inventory, Sales, Cost and Return accounts per item
Provides two (2) pricing methods to select: Quantity Order or Customer Pricing Number
Displays screen for notes and location notes per item
Allows stock transfer between inventory items
Calculates inventory forecast based on inventory security, lead time and order frequency
Allows to modify inventory forecast purchase projection
Calculates inventory ABC classification based on system set up
Calculates inventory minimum and maximum
Calculates excess inventory
Calculates stock inventory aging
Tracks multiple vendors per items
Allows stock adjustment of cost and quantity after items have been received
Allows four (4) Control Methods: Standard, Serialized, Lotted or Non Inventory type
Allows three (3) Item Types: Sales, Rental or Parts (for Work Order)
Tracks perpetual or non perpetual inventory for On-Hand movement
Maintains unit of measure of inventory
Allows Price and Cost update based on percentage, fix amount or exchange rate
Maintains Vendor and Customer warranty time per item
Inventory Table
The main inventory maintenance function is where you define all the features for each inventory item you will use in your system. To make it easier to work with the high number of fields needed to store the data, the window has four pages:
The Information page contains the most relevant data for an item. Some data fields are informative while others can be change.
The Settings page contains supplemental information about your inventory item.
The Notes page is where you can optionally fill the notes for this item and notes for the location fields.
The Prices page, is where you can easily setup your pricing policy for your Sales type inventory items.
Transfer Inventory
The Transfer allows you to transfer an inventory item into another inventory item, you can also transfer substitute items.
In the transfer window, you will have to specify the source inventory item (upper part of the window). Once you have selected your item with positive On-Hand, select the target inventory and add Comment and Reason.
Inventory Forecast
This option allows you to manage the inventory at an optimum level, establishing suggested purchase order to vendors. Before executing the process, you should determine the following data for each item and read the description carefully so you can make a good decision for the values you are going to be using:
- Inventory Level
- Inventory Security
- Lead Time
- Order Frequency